What it's all about!!!

My photo
Hey Hey guys and (maybe)girls? ok so let me give you a little information about myself and what this blog is all about,So me first! I'm 20 years old I live in England with my family I am a BIG music fan I like all types of rock music, I play guitar in a band our style? think Blink-182 meets the cure I also record my own music, other major interests include gaming, movies,and BEER!!!! haha, ok enough about me as for the blog I intend to do reviews on games, movies,and other cool stuff and also try to help you guys out (should you need it) with stuff like how to record your own music IE (What hardware and software to use), how to start playing the guitar and even what classes to use on call of duty! haha seriously anything I can help with I'll help you,So yeah in the words of mr leeroy jenkins LETS DO THIS!!!! XD

Friday, 24 September 2010

Recording gameplay (Capture cards)

Hey guys so just giving you a little information on how to record your gameplay whether it's on the xbox, ps3 or other, now if your like me and want to record games IE modern warfare 2 and upload them onto youtube or machinima respawn here is a list of the most popular capture cards to buy and also how to get your vids up on machinima respawn.

Ok so first the cheapest one and it's called EASYCAP it records in 720x480 resolution its a good capture card if your just starting out you can pick one up for around £10.


The next is called a DAZZLE VIDEO CREATOR PLATINUM it records in 720x480 NTSC
720x576 PALyou can pick on of these up for around £60 from what ive been reading some people say that dazzle is the same quality as the easycap but then others are saying the dazzle is alot better than the easycap so i'm confused but such a massive difference in price surely the dazzle is better right?

So we have had a look at the cheapest to mid range capture card and without getting too silly in price this is the one i heard  pyrotoz (who is a machinima respawn editor) say in one of his vids that he and pretty much all the video editors use now is called a HAUPPAUGE HD PVR now these record in 1080 resolution and will set you back around £150 but with such great quality it seems well worth it


Ok guys so as far as i can tell those are the most popular capture cards on the market and now as promised here's how to get your video's up on machinima respawn (and maybe even get paid for it if you become a editor)
1. Download DropBox (Google it)
2. Move ur video to the public folder when u downloaded it
3. Right Click Video>Dropbox>Copy link
4. Once u got the link then send an email to respawn@machinima.com or info@machinima.com with the link inside it.
5. Just wait.

So there you have it a guide on capture cards and how to get your gaming vids up on machinima respawn, please follow my page and next time i will be doing a post on  call of duty black ops...


Monday, 20 September 2010

Starting to learn the guitar? TIPS!!!!

Hey guys well i thought I'd give you some beginner tips on how to start playing the guitar and also for all you people that can already play I'll tell you what setup i have and how you can improve, When i first started i didn't have a clue what to learn first I didn't know what tabs were or what chords I should be playing, I started learning the basic chords like E,G,A,C and D but it just didn't sound right for what i was listening to, Stuff like Blink-182, New found glory, Jimmy eat world and other pop-punk bands like that then i went on a site called Ultimate-Guitar.com and got some Guitar tabs and it turns out the chords i should be learning are called power chords i recommend you learn these as basically most rock tracks are all power chords and tabs, Here's a few tips i think are useful

1.go on ultimate-guitar.com, i get all my tabs from there and it has some lessons too.

2.get a programme called guitar pro, its amazing it shows you how to play pretty much every song that's on ultimate-guitar.com check out some vids on youtube you'll see what i mean.

3.keep your guitar out of it's case, unless you have a mega expensive one and it might get broken, It may seem dumb but i keep my guitar out of its case at all times so i can just pick it up and play whenever i feel like it, when i did have it in its case i sometimes thought i cant be bothered to get it out and put it back (lazy i know) but i think it works

4.Learn different types of music, yeah everyone will tell you this but you won't really improve unless you try different music styles I'm a punk rock fan but i play all types of music just to give me idea's on writing my own stuff.

5.wanna start a band?. OK so you've gotten pretty good at playing the guitar and feel your ready t start a band well if your lucky enough to know a few people and get started then your lucky but for me i had to find people and it wasn't easy!! But then i found a website called joinmybad.com and suddenly found loads people who wanted to be in a band now this site is for UK and the USA so get finding people!!

OK so enough tips for now this is the setup i use and well i like it :)

(AMP) Line6 spider 3 (120) great amp couldn't be more pleased and if you like heavy metal BUY IT its got some monster distortion

(GUITARS) well i have a few guitars but my best ones, a squier fat strat, a vintage vs6 sg and my favourite my epiphone es333 (aka) tom delonge's guitar

(FX PEDAL) i just have a boss me50 its a all in one pedal its great for the music i play but if you play heavy metal or want heavy distortion STAY AWAY its pretty weak to be honest.

(WIRELESS GUITAR SYSTEM) line6 relay g30, excellent wireless system its all digital so you wont be picking up and radio signals.

well there you have it my tips and tricks and what equipment i use i hope you found it useful and soon I'll be telling you how to record your own music...peace out :D

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Games to buy this christmas (uk release dates only)

Call of duty black ops
(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Wii-Pc
(Out) 09 November 2010

Pro evolution soccer 2011
(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Wii-Pc-PS2-PSP
(Out)  08 October 2010

Fifa 2011
(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Wii-Pc-PS2-PSP-DS
(Out) 01 October 2010

Gran Turismo 5
(Platform) PS3
(Out) 05 November 2010

Medal of honor
(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Pc
(Out) 15 October 2010

Halo reach-xbox360
(Platform) Xbox360
(Out) Now

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Pc
(Out) 19 november 2010

Fable 3(Platform) Xbox360-Pc
(Out) 29 October 2010

Little big planet 2(Platform) PS3
(Out) 19 November

The Sims 3(Platform) PS3-Xbox360-Wii-Pc-DS-Mac
(Out) (Now Pc & Mac)29 october 2010 (others)




machinima respawn

I know alot of you guys will of seen this youtube channel but for all you guys that haven't seen it you should check it out, It's called machinima respawn  I was told about this from my call of duty partner in crime and awesome DJ Paul Francini it's basically a ton of gameplay videos that people have recorded and put up i only go on for the call of duty vids but they do have alot of other games to check out.

here are a few of my favourites

Friday, 17 September 2010

R.I.P PS3 2008-2010 :( (PS3 FIX)

Hey peoples! So to start this Blog off I thought I'd tell you all about my tragic loss this week, Yes my ps3 sadly passed away and I swear I don't think I've ever felt so lost in my life haha oh and thats not my ps3 in the picture I didn't drop it or anything  I just stole that picture from google but i did draw the red man crying :) haha  but yeah what happens is it will play for about 5 minutes overheats then shuts off with a blinking red light there are two common faults the ps3 is prone to the YLOD (Yellow light of death) and RLOD (red light of death) Well mine is none of them BUT the fix is the same, so anyway i took the ps3 into town to get it looked at in the market I had mixed prices from pretty much everyone one guy told me he could fix it for £80 another said £60 and both offered me a 30 day guarantee and then i went into a game shop that also does repairs and the guy said he could fix it for £45 but offered no guarantee because he said it WILL happen again it could be 2 weeks or 2 months, i admired his honesty and decided to just take my ps3 home and cry!! Haha nah this story has a happy ending i thought to myself I'm not going pay that much to get it repaired and be in constant fear of it breaking again so i ordered myself a ps3 slim which comes on monday!! I can't tell you how much I've missed playing on call of duty, and as for my broken ps3 well I've been watching some video's on youtube on how to fix it myself Basically it involves a heat gun and some thermal paste and even though i may have to do it every month its still ALOT cheaper than paying someone to fix it for you.

If any of you guys get this same problem here's a video on how to fix it.